Better teamwork with & PageProof native integration & PageProof native integration - wherever you work, so does PageProof with PageProof logo and Monday logos with line linking them.

Introducing the PageProof native integration

Introducing the native, two-way integration of & PageProof 🙌. How smart teams work. is a popular project management tool that makes it easy for users to plan, organize, and track a team’s work in one place.

It lets you:

  • manage anything with customizable workflow templates
  • tracks timings to meet important deadlines
  • integrates with popular tools and apps to streamline processes

Making creative workflows more effective

The and PageProof native integration makes managing creative workflows even more effective – meaning teams can work even better together around creative content.

It is ingeniously simple to create proofs and reference them to a board, group, or item to keep your team up to date with the progress of approvals. You can even create proofs directly from too. 

Enjoy seamless tracking of your creative proofs by integrating PageProof with – letting you fly through approvals on autopilot.